janeiro 24, 2016

Why? - Joan Foster Silva


Why do birds fly
and fish do swim?
Why oh why!

Why do people believe in one God
And why must HE  be a HIM?
Why do those of human-kind
Believe they are the best?
And why are they mostly white " Caucasian"
Wound up in their Wonders of the West?
Why oh Why!

Why do dogs bark 
and cats do mew?
Why oh why!

Why do animals communicate in this strange way
And why do not people communicate like that  too?
Why do Human beings think they are
The greatest creatures of them all?
Just because they stand in upright posture
Claiming superiority making them so very tall?
Why oh Why!

Joan Foster Silva

Talvez só agora entenda porque nos dizíamos soul mates . Todas estas perguntas eram comuns -de -duas. Só não consigo perceber porque é que te afastaste para esse lugar silencioso sem nada teres dito. Esse lugar , quem sabe, o mesmo de que fala João Rodil.

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